Company: Bankrate is the leading aggregator of financial rate information,
offering an unparalleled depth and breadth of rate data and financial content. Bankrate surveys 4,800 financial institutions in 50 states
in order to provide clear, objective, and unbiased rates to consumers.
Bankrate's Greg McBride and Jean Chatzky are regularly seen on all major network news outlets.
2023 saw Bankrate generate sales of $548 million.
Project: M&A conferences, on-site legal & technical review, analysis, go/no-go decision input and successful web integration for Fast Find, Mortgage Math, Mortgage Calc, Insure Me, Fee Disclosure, Saving For College, Credit Card Search Engine. Web Site redesign utilizing Tridion CMS. Web based video provision. Personnel selection and mentoring.
Technology: .Net, Web Site drv, JS, APIs, SQL Server, Tridion
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